
When I brought my pepper plants inside to overwinter, I did not anticipate an aphid scourge.  In fact, I’ve never experienced an aphid problem before, so the threat didn’t register.  In the past, I once had a colony attack some bindweed, but as they left everything else alone, I wasn’t concerned, and in fact left …


I really like my indoor grow light basement setup.  With the average first frost in the region to be around 10/19, I’ve been revisiting the setup and considering what I’m going to be keeping inside overwinter.  And as I pondered the setup, I thought about how much easier things would be if I had a …

Let There be Light

The house has a street light, or it did anyway.  It survived the winter, but shortly thereafter rusted out and ceased to function.  The glass panes had at one point been replaced with ugly plastic cutouts.  The cutouts were never sealed into place, and I was constantly putting them back after the wind would dislodge …

It’s Not Illegal in Ohio

…but it is illegal in some states.  No, I’m not talking about marijuana (which still isn’t legal here).  I’m referring to capturing rainwater.  For the most part, this law correlates to the abundance of natural rainwater and by definition–how its variations will effect the local ecology*.  Here, no one cares if I capture a 55-gallon …

Something for Nothing

Remember that moldering potato I stuck in the pot under the grow light 3 months ago because it was winter and I wanted something green inside?  Well, it died. I had never seriously grown a potato before, so I didn’t know what to expect.  Liz informed me, however, that the plant dying simply meant it …