Winter Carrots

As I mentioned last month, I am on a gardening quest to extend the growing season. Phenology 2022 In so doing, I’ve cataloged these extended growing times through observation and failure, have been largely successful overall. I also mentioned Bambi, amusing in that it was these rampaging ravenous ruminates that forced my winter carrot harvest …

Winter Wrapup

I went a little out of order on my posts.  I must have been anxious to jump to the new year. Here’s some final highlights for the end of 2022: On to 2023! –Simon


As they like to say in Game of Thrones: “The winter is coming.”  Or…some damn thing to that effect.  I dunno–I don’t watch that show. But yeah, the winter is indeed coming.  I had grown fond of some plants, and those plants are not fond of freezing temperatures.  What was I to do?  Why, take …

Winter Attire

I am not from Ohio.  I spent my adolescence in Texas.  Consequently, upon moving to Ohio, I discovered cold winters to be a bit of a novelty.  I certainly wasn’t a stranger to cold, by my experience with it was primarily derived from Boy Scout camping trips in the mountains of New Mexico.  As a …

Hocus Crocus

I have a fondness for crocuses (…croci?). They are the first of the perennials to bloom in the spring, and they were always out in the yard at the Lubbock house, so childhood nostalgia there. They represent the first marker of seasonal change with a dramatic splash of color – a much appreciated change from …