
Carpet–I know not whence this diabolical invention first saw universal fruition, but I rue that day. The Internet was of little help, spouting the usual assortment of trendy anti-(insert whatever’s popular here) sentiments.  And I, one of these confrontational assholes, would agree.  I hate it, and whoever invented it should spend eternity in a vat …

Whippet Ingenuity

Dogs can be clever when the need arises, though certainly some exhibit this more than others. Whippets are not winter dogs.  Their short hair and predilection for cuddling conditions them for warm and comfortable environments, and the bitter cold of February simply does not meet these requirements.  In the past, the whippets have simply burrowed …

After the Fall

February is approaching, which means I’m not doing much of interest right now, which means there isn’t much to write about, which means I’m going to do some rambling.  Yep, it’s one of those posts. And as I trudge through the bleakness in my MUCK boots (which are awesome, by the way), I ponder the …

Help it Grow (Part 5)

More on the indoor growing front.  Well, nothing really new, just more photos. My attempts at growing basil inside have been technically successful, but basil really doesn’t appreciate the scanty light provided by fluorescents, lending me to believe, as I had suspected, that the photos of those green and busy basil plants on the boxes …


With the looming winter there just aren’t as many projects to undertake (and to write about), but rather than make yet another video game post I thought I’d ramble a bit about economic and workplace observations.  I’m sure that sounds riveting, but I’m not one to mislead with a false premise.  If you prefer, simply …