The First Seedlings

Peppers have been started and I’m growing some lettuce just for fun. Also, I’m trying to start new sweet potato plants from last year’s tuber harvest. One rotted, but I’m seeing some roots on the others. Hopefully that’s a good sign.

I also supplemented the grow lights this year. LED tech is getting very versatile now. I can get something made in just about any configuration I can think of. In this instance, it’s some narrow strips to fit between the traditional bulbs.

Off to a good start. Things look happy. It’s almost time to plan radishes and begin tomato starters!



I make pancakes a lot more now that I started storing the dry ingredients pre-mixed. It’s easy, and the kid loves them.

But how creative can one get? Such is my nature to experiment.

So I wrapped one around a rabbit sausage and stuff with onions and American cheese.

I apologize to the culinary community for this.



I’m going to start short posts with the food I make, because:

  1. Food is good
  2. Instagram is dumb
  3. I’m awesome at cooking
  4. More pictures

And so, grilled fajitas with cilantro rice:

I’ve started doing more foil pouch cooking on the grill. This approach really melds the flavors in a way that indoor appliances don’t quite replicate. I think it’s the combination of the higher heat and the pressure. I will experiment with this more.


Hot Dogs

Humor is how we deal with the horrific.

We went to see the traveling Pompeii exhibit which made its way to the Cincinnati Union Terminal museum. I had seen many of the statues before in magazines and documentaries, but it was certainly more powerful to experience firsthand. Some of the victims had definitely died under varying degrees of agony. Baked and suffocated. Doesn’t sound pleasant. I didn’t find it appropriate to take photos.

But I did still take one of the dog.

And then I thought: this looks an awful lot like a whippet. And whippets are perpetually cold. My own whippet in fact recently cooked herself in front of the fireplace until patches of fur fell out. That’s some desperation.

So if there’s one shred of happiness from this tragic event, it’s that a whippet finally managed to get warm enough. It’s how Poppy would have chosen to go.
