
While I would never admit this to Liz, I too enjoy the aesthetics of arranged flowers.  Where we differ, however, is that I generally don’t feel the price point of these arrangements to be worth their cost, nor do I consider purchasing them to be a full experience.  But, it is possible to make one’s …


Since the vegetable garden got decimated by frost, I was forced to do something I’ve never done before: buy tomato plants.  I’ve purchased seed of course, and the first year we were in our last townhouse my mother-in-law gave us two tomato plants, but never before have I purchased them at a store.  And once …

Frost (Part 2)

Damn weather.  Sure enough, the frost 4 days after last frost took out the basil, peppers, and half the tomatoes.  This sets my garden back a month. I realize in a fortnight I’ll be complaining about the heat, but would it friggin warm up already?! –Simon


Like any gardener, I consult the frost dates when deciding to plant.  April 19 was our average last frost, so a 50% probability that after this date, there will be no more freezes.  50% is not a good bet with my tomatoes, and I’ve been burned by this in the past (or rather frostbitten), so …

Weekend Warrior

I think I shortened my lifespan this weekend.  There were certainly moments when I wanted to lay down and expire.  But rather than make individual posts and cloud the feed, I’ll make a multi-purpose single post instead to feed the cloud (heh, nerd jokes): You Say Tomato Yes, I removed more sod.  And I think …