Red Faction: Armageddon

With the August Xbox Live Gold freebies came Red Faction: Armageddon.  It sounded ominous, and a welcome break from the crap arcade games that keep popping up.  Everyone likes some mindless shooting, after all.  But unfortunately my time with the game was brief, and while I admit that it’s rather unfair to critique a game …


This is the Year of the Cucumber.  And because of this bonanza, I needed to do something with all the extras.  One family can only eat so much cucumber salad, after all. So I thought I’d try making pickles, as I so predicted I would.  Know thyself, I guess.  Anyway, off to the Internet!  Unfortunately, …


I’m understanding more and more the appeal of hydroponics.  I could grow vegetables in a controlled environment, maximizing yield while minimizing space, all the while eliminating pest problems.  I realize of course that this is an overly-simplified view of gardening, but frustrations lead me to consider it. This, The Year of the Garden, has me …