
This story begins with a little bit of mystery. Well, initially I was just involved with another one of my web design projects.  I had previously built a dashboard of sorts–a web page that had embedded widgets.  I would open the page with my Raspberry Pi, and plug it into the TV.  Then I could …

Let There be Light

The house has a street light, or it did anyway.  It survived the winter, but shortly thereafter rusted out and ceased to function.  The glass panes had at one point been replaced with ugly plastic cutouts.  The cutouts were never sealed into place, and I was constantly putting them back after the wind would dislodge …

Swallowtail (Part 2)

This was likely not the pupated adult of the caterpillar I found on the dill, and it’s also a male, which means that my gardens are the social clubs for swallowtail butterflies.  Yay butterflies! As with most sexually-reproducing species, the male wafts his pheromones to announce his presence (cologne), flaunts his colors (“Look at my …


Mantises arguably qualify as cool members of the insect class.  They’re also really creepy.  But, like spiders, they adhere to what I like to call the “Quarter Rule”.  That is to say, if they’re smaller than a quarter, then they’re cool/cute.  If they’re bigger, then I’m grabbing my 20ga. But the one I found met …

Over the Rainbow

I find that the beauty of ephemerality is ironically similar to the that of permanence.  We mortals, viewing a work of art which has long outlived its creator, are confronted with our own fleeting existence.  And when I gaze upon a moment of natural beauty, I feel the same. Or maybe it’s just that some …