
Falling somewhat behind on my posts over the holiday, I’m going to throw out one of those lazy “Here’s a random picture with some commentary” posts. Behold: I’ve never seen a five-leaf clover. The internet tells me it’s called a “Rose Clover”, and will bring me wealth.  Woohoo! –Simon

Bottoming Out

As I approach 40, I’m very much aware of my physical decline. But what I didn’t expect was the Internet’s warnings that my overall happiness will apparently be taking a dive soon too. Self-reported subjective measurements make for a lousy scientific statement, so it’s more one of those correlation-only type observations. As to the actual …


With the dubious safety of Trick or Treating under pandemic conditions, a safer way was needed for helping the kid develop diabetes.  And fortunately, such a project lay within my own childhood experiences: a piñata! For the uninitiated, this involves inflating a balloon and coating it with hundreds of glue-soaked newspaper strips. Then the balloon …