Farm to Table

I never wrote a sequel to the great strawberry harvest of 2021: At the time, I didn’t seem to have had much hope of a good crop. As it turned out, however, the yield was very good indeed. And my portioned bags of frozen fruit saw us through many a cold winter Saturday family card …

Phenology 2022

As a famous whitetail deer once lamented: “Winter sure is long.”  And here in zone 6a, I would concur.  The last week of April through the last week of October are the only guaranteed growing times for anything not frost-resistant, and even that’s a gamble.  The remaining half of the year is reserved for watching …


Hey look y’all!  Another lightbulb post! You bet!  I have much jesting, at the expense of Baby Boomers and my wife. *** Okay, so this is just one of those filler posts I come up with in winter. But even in the mediocrity of suburban creativity can one ruminate. One can also be that shameless …