Getting a late harvest, but they’re finally rolling in. At least the ones I can get to before the squirrels. So here I am documenting the time and photos for my records.

Tales from Easement Acres
Getting a late harvest, but they’re finally rolling in. At least the ones I can get to before the squirrels. So here I am documenting the time and photos for my records.
First, look at this:
Looks tasty huh?
Okay, now look at these:
It stands to reason that the scavenging omnivores we are must have at some point tried eating what was growing on the dead thing in addition to the dead thing itself. Anyway – mushrooms! A gift from my sister. Biologists, right?
Fun to watch grow though.
And with a cheesy bechamel…
Not too bad to eat.
Another revision was required, following a partial viewing of Joker. Asocial violence, mental illness, and disturbing criminal activities were only some of the reasons behind the movie interruption. We needed a provision to invoke parental discretion, so the Termination Provision for Minors section has been added, along with a system to identify such selections and return them to The Jar of Eligibility with a veto system that takes place independently of the standard group veto process.
Sometimes I don’t want to write about my cooking. Sometimes I just want to post a pic, because some dishes don’t need yet another blogger’s recipe. Therefore, I introduce to new blog category: Food Porn.
Today’s entry: Salisbury Steak