Shot in the Dark

I’ll begin with a conversation I had recently with my optometrist–it’s the same dialog I share with everyone who asks me about hunting:

Optometrist:  “You hunt squirrels?  What do you hunt them with?”

Me:  “Typically a 20 gauge.”

Optometrist:  “A shotgun?  Is there anything left?”

This is, without fail, the exact followup response, to the word, of everyone who has ever asked me this question.  I’m not sure where this idea came from that a shotgun was akin to a mortar, but I’m assuming the usual source of dramatized misinformation: cinema.  I too have seen many a scene where shotguns have blown people through windows and violently severed appendages, so the masses must think I’m out in the woods Rambo-style, half-naked and clutching a knife in my teeth, blasting animals apart and painting the trees in blood.

So, as a PSA to the casual reader of this post: shotguns aren’t naval cannons.

Now to those who do know what shot sizes are and how they’re designed, I was at a local Cabella’s and saw this:

It’s rare to even find buckshot in 20 gauge, but this Cabella’s not only had that, but 00-buck , 3-ball, and this (2-ball).  Granted, if I ever hunted squirrels with these and actually managed to hit one, there might not be much left.  This is approaching what we could call small artillery, so I guess there is a shred of truth to people’s shotgun presumptions, were I to hunt with grossly inappropriate shot sizes.

But anyway, of course I needed these as an immediate addendum to the zombie-home-defense .30-06.  At the time I was putting that together, my dad asked me if the 150-gr rounds would be sufficient.  I assured him that it would, provided I get a proper head-shot.  But he suggested I needed something with less finesse and more total damage potential.  So here you are, dad.  If any zombies break through the perimeter, a close-range blast with one of these should do the trick.

And of course, if any home-invasion should occur while I’m waiting around for the Zombie Apocalypse, I can dispatch the ne’er-do-well with my 2-balls.


A Lubbock County Almanac (March 12, 1995)

Hi!  I just woke up a wile ago.  When I was finished eating breakfast, I took a towl and started to dry the dishes.  I teased dad a little bit.  He got angry!  He started talking about how irrsponsibal I am.  I mean, at least I’m not a 7-year old who never did her job and only got part of her allownce, like Leigh.  I got dad back thogh.  I put a pice of fake bread in the break container/  He found it an almost mad his sandwich on it.  There’s a few more supris though, like a fake peach, apple, and orang in with the real ones.  And the other piece of fake bread on the toaster.  I hope he finds them.  Ha!  Ha!

— — — — —

I’m home from school.


I Don’t Want Your Mail

You can’t have my email address and I don’t want your junk.

There’s my grumpy old man cry, but it’s not without merit.  Too often, when I sign up for a service, I’m required to provide my email address.  Often, this is for practical reasons, but just as often, the site just doesn’t have a justifiable need-to-know.  They just want to send junk and promotions.

But rather than disconnect myself, I needed a solution.  To address this very problem, people often create a separate email account for these types of websites, knowing that it’ll become overwhelmed with junk, whilst leaving their primary email a sacred haven for more important correspondence.  Failing to find an alternative to the mandatory email-divulging requirements (because these sites always require that you confirm it’s a valid email by clicking a link sent to it), I, too, finally relented and adopted this solution.  But I’m a techie, so I’m not simply going to Gmail for this.  No, I’m not creating a run-of-the-mill dummy email, I’m creating an alter ego!  A doppelgänger!  An…Arbiter of Techno-Ethereal Ontology!

Okay, that might be a little cumbersome to adopt as a username, but as this mystical stand-in must remain a spectral whisper, I shan’t divulge its true name, because…you know…then you’d be immune to its powers.  Some LeGuin shit right there.

And because I don’t want to divulge its true name, I couldn’t use it as the email user name, so instead, I will use my server’s email platform to create…an alias!  That’s right, an alias to my doppelgänger–additional layers of mystery.  I shall become a shadow of the Internet.  WHOIS ain’t got shit on me!

Okay, “subscriptions” is a rather anticlimactic alias considering the pretentious melodrama from earlier, but I needed it simple to remember and type.

And so, I created the doppelgänger user account on the server,  then by leveraging the server’s mail software, I designated the aforementioned alias.  Now I can simply use the server’s Roundcube-based webmail client and sign into the doppelgänger account as needed (no push notifications!).  I sent a test email from my primary account to and…

Success!  So why bother with this more difficult solution that essentially does the same thing as a free mail service?  Well, there’s the reason that I can, but also that I can then enable and disable the email address at will, without losing the inbox, so if I start getting too much junk mail in the dummy account, I’ll disable the alias and make a new one, which will cause all future junk mail to bounce, and I won’t have to change my login to the main doppelgänger account–just set up a new alias and forward that to the doppelgänger instead.

Why can’t all just play nice on the Internet to begin with?


Battlefield 3 (Part 2)

Part 1


Following the cryptic interrogation in which I fervently explain that I did something  because I had to (although I still don’t know what it was), I start reliving that experience, presumably at some point chronologically before the thing that I did (that I had to do).

There’s some brief cutscene that explains we’re in the Middle East (Iraq-Iran, though they mentioned both so I don’t remember which), fighting terrorists (shocker!).  Riding in an APC with some fellow marines, general banter is exchanged.  This seems to be a common theme.  However this time, our vehicle does not explode.  Instead we are given some new orders, which require us to leave the APC (naturally, or it’d be a really boring game otherwise).

There was a lot of “go this way” and “go that way” and “follow your team”.  My team seemed faster than me, because I could never fully keep up.  Maybe I just wasn’t in very good shape, and passed my recent PT test on a technicality.  I mashed the left thumb stick to no avail, hoping to sprint, but it would seem that the game doesn’t have a sprint function, which was disheartening.

Then, I was prompted to sprint by pushing in the left thumb stick.  I did, and I sprinted.  I guess, until that moment in my life, I had never known how to run.  Already, I’m losing faith in the USMC’s training program.

A terrorist truck goes by, and I’m told to not engage.  But the terrorists didn’t seem very interested in shooting me as I stood in the middle of the road as it went past.  So, I didn’t even pose enough of a threat that I was worth shooting.  So far, the game’s taught me how to pick things up, squat, and run.  Maybe the terrorists were right–how big of a threat could I really be?

Then I was told to stack up for a room entry.  I got behind two of my guys, and waited.  Nothing happened.  Then I realized someone was trying to talk to me, but I couldn’t hear because the voice volume is way low.  I paused the game and checked the settings, but all I could do was switch between a few master settings (by the way: what’s the difference between “HiFi” and “Home Cinema”?  Can’t I have both?), and adjust the master volume.  But Liz was in bed so I had to leave it low.  Fortunately, the subtitles were on by default.  I was being asked where I was going, and then realized that there were two doors and I was supposed to join another guy at the other door.  Yep–I definitely wasn’t worth shooting.

We dramatically walked through the doors, through a garage, and into the open–which is always a good idea in a battle zone…or battle field.  Whatever.  To confirm my concerns with this tactical decision, a sniper shoots the the guy next to me.  Chaos ensues, and I’m told to grab my fallen comrade and drag him into the garage.  I do this by….guess how?  That’s right, by pushing “A”!  Ha!

I drag the man behind a pillar and then join the fight.  I quickly draw fire, and I mash “B” to duck, but “B” isn’t duck like it is in Call of Duty.  By the time I figure this out, I’m killed.

I respawn, complete the above sequence again, but this time manage to successfully take cover.  Our target is some dick with an RPG who keeps shooting cars next to us.  Some people just have no love for machines.  So I spray bullets in his general direction again and again, then go into the settings to turn down the sensitivity again.  Eventually, enough rounds make contact that RPG Dick dies.  Games always confuse me with bullet damage.  I get that enemies often require more than one shot for difficulty’s sake, but me–if I get shot with a 5.56X45 NATO, I quit.

After RPG Dick died, we shifted our focus back to Sniper Dick.  We ran inside to take cover, Sniper Dick shot through the windows at us as we ran, and one of the soldiers commented that it’s a .50 cal, which makes me question the bullet damage again–notably that the guy I drug behind the pillar didn’t die.  We’re talking about an anti-materiel weapon here.  I wouldn’t think it’d matter where someone got hit.  Grazes would still blow off appendages.

These are questions for another time I guess.  We ran up to the roof, took cover, then I was elected to shoot Sniper Dick with a missile launcher while everyone else distracts him.  They jumped up, I took the shot, and half the building he’s in disintegrated.  I really wasn’t sure if that was realistic or not.  I have limited experience with firing ordinance at urban structures.

Then we provided some support for marines on the ground.  I shot some more guys.  Then we had to run away real quick, because we got overrun.  So we ran away, fought our way through some buildings, found dead marines, then fled a tank.  Things weren’t looking so good.  The game was certainly capturing panic well.

Eventually, a friendly tank shot the enemy tank and we were saved.  Then we found an IED wired to a van, and once again I was elected for a task.  I followed the detonation wires to their source, which involved crawling through ducts.  I found their source, and then got attacked from behind.  I had to fight with another one of those “press the right button at the right time” scenarios, which I subsequently failed and died.

Reloading from the last checkpoint, I noticed that the game’s policy on saves are like those of an Asian game–infrequent, and not immediately preceding the events that kill me.  In the above scenario, the checkpoint was before I snaked my way through the duct work, not after.  So I had to repeat the irritating process.  But this time, I managed to savagely beat my assailant to death, whereupon he collapsed slack-jawed.  Go America!

Then I ran back outside to assist in holding the line.  I was directed to a pedestrian walkway above the road, and told to use the LMG conveniently sitting there.  I did, drew a bunch of fire, and died.  I repeated this cycle of death, because using the gun drew a lot of aggro, and because there was no place to hide up there on the precipice.  So on the third time, I ignored the protestations of my team and took the gun down to street level where I could actually hide, and behold–by ignoring my crappy orders, I accomplished the objective and lived to tell about it.

Then we had to defend the other side.  I ran over there with the big gun and killed a ton of people, until I ran out of ammo.  It was only then that I realized I was being told to jump on the vehicle-mounted gun and shoot people.  The enemies dutifully re-spawned infinitely until I followed instructions.  I shot a bunch more people, saved the day, then a convenient earthquake hit and a building collapsed on me, dramatically concluding the second level.

The game continues from here, obviously, or it’d be a pretty disappointing campaign.  But I think I’ve covered the quirks for a fair review.  I enjoyed the game.  It had it’s share of glitches, unclear objectives, obligatory irritating tank level, and some intrigue.  I did eventually find out what that thing I did that got me in so much trouble was, but you’ll just have to play the game to find out…or read someone else’s walkthrough.

Battlefield 3–a fair game and a long-overdue good Xbox Gold freebie.


Electricity, EEEEEEEEEEEEEE-lectricity

Hehe, remember that one?:

During my recent plumbing project, I considered that connecting pipes, if done wrong, at least wouldn’t kill me.  Still, I found the process irritating, and after the pain of cinching down threaded pipe connections took its toll on my elbows, I concluded that I would much rather be doing electrical work.  Besides which, if I wear leather gloves, the shock of 120 volts is reduced to a mere tingle even if I screw up the breaker.

Still, despite this mitigated lethality, when I find something done wrong, I grow concerned.  So it was that I decided to tackle the unattached electrical outlet in the garage.  I really should remember to take before pictures, but I didn’t this time, so I’ll have to explain the setup.

First, I’ll mention that it was a 2-pronged ungrounded outlet.  That was part of the problem, as an obviously bad choice for the garage, which would presumably be more likely to power higher-amperage devices.  More troubling was that the outlet wasn’t bolted into the wall box, and the wall box itself wasn’t even attached to either the adjacent stud nor the drywall.  In short, there was an electrical line leading into a loose box, then wired into an ungrounded and unattached outlet–a hole in the wall with exposed hot wires.  What could possibly go wrong?

My main concern was that the kid might poke a finger in there, so I had taped up the cover.  And as the outlet lacked a ground, as mentioned, it was of limited use anyway.  But then, as I was shoving rolls of carpet into the attic one day, I considered: how hard would it be to run a separate ground to that outlet and make it serviceable again?  The basement has a ground line running through the joists, so perhaps the attic had one too.  I searched around, but no ground wire was to be found.  That seemed odd, seeing as this was the only outlet in the house which didn’t have a ground.  For a moment, I panicked, thinking that none of the outlets were grounded, but these fears were quieted when I opened a junction box and discovered that all the wiring was modern Romex with connected grounds.

I followed the wire from the box to the obvious spot where it dropped down and fed the outlet in question.  This wire, too, was grounded, which begged the question: Why wasn’t the outlet grounded?  And where was the ground wire?

Climbing down, I checked the outlet box again.  Turns out that the wire did indeed have a ground, but it had been clipped off at the point where the outer insulation had been stripped to separate the wires.  So someone had deliberately installed an ungrounded outlet on a grounded line, and had removed the ground.  Why?  Tugging on the line, I discovered there was no extra wire, so I couldn’t simply connect the ground to a new outlet as-is.  And of course, the box wasn’t mounted so I’d need one that would.  Sigh.

My motivation to complete this project coincided with Liz re-painting the living room.  With my entertainment center out of action, and the threat of being drawn into a painting project looming, I concluded that this electrical problem needed an immediate resolution.  Off to Lowe’s!

In the electrical isle, I wondered why both metal and plastic boxes were the norm.  Why would one be used over the other?  Maybe metal was for industrial buildings.  But for me, I rather preferred to use non-conductive material to house electrical wires.  I also bought a roll of 14 AWG wire to extend the ground.

Back at home, I followed the usual procedure of sequentially flipping breakers until the correct (and least logical) circuit was found.  Then I got to work removing the unmounted box, which wouldn’t fit through the outlet’s hole in the drywall.  I wonder how it got in there to begin with.  Was it installed before the drywall, but never mounted?  The prior owner had done some weird electrical projects in the basement, none of which inspire much confidence, so this could very well be one of them.

At least it was the garage, and the drywall isn’t painted out there, so I didn’t feel much hesitation in sawing through it.  I removed the useless metal box and installed the plastic one, having poked the wires through and extended the ground.  The outlets in this house are worn out, so I’ve been replacing them as demand necessitates.  This is the 5th such outlet to need replacing, so I have a supply of them on hand.

I patched the hole with leftover drywall and spackle.  It doesn’t look very clean, but it works and is far safer than the prior potential disaster.

What the hell was wrong with this guy?  You’d think that electrical work is something worth doing right the first time.

Fortunately, my project was finished quick enough that I was able to help out with the painting after all…lucky me.
