The White Man’s Vegetable

Ponder this a moment.  What plant has fed the white man for centuries–post American exploration?  From its humble roots (hint hint) as peasant sustenance to modern day caloric side dish filler?  A ubiquitous medium which assimilates the flavors of anything it touches, from spice mixes to rendered oils?  From elegant salads to white trash junk food?

No, chicken isn’t a vegetable.

Mmmm, there we go.

We planted a couple rows of these, and netted 10 pounds for harvest.  So approximately 1 pound of potatoes per linear garden space.  Not bad.  I’m hoping to get a second crop now, but the weather isn’t cooperating.  On the other hand, the cost of using old potatoes that weren’t eaten in time is essentially zero, so no great risk compared to the potential gain.

And by “gain”, I mean to my waistline.

The perfect vegetable.


The Bridge Hath Been Forged Anew

It had been a while since we took a John Bryant trip.  I had taken Joe fishing there last year as part of another forced manly right of passage, with limited results.  But much of the good fishing always lay on the far side of the river, and the bridge which crossed it had collapsed some 10 years ago, before Alana had even been born.  As evidence, I just so happen to have an old photo of a successful catch, former bridge in background:

Dated 5/27/2010

I recall the bridge being high and rickedy.  It was unsettling to cross and I wasn’t surprised when it collapsed.  But every time I fished there after, I checked the bridge status, and every time, it was simply chained off.

Then, Dad visited for the 4th of July weekend, and as per tradition we went to the river.  And surprisingly, a sign on the trail announced the new bridge!  Good fishing would be open again at long last!

This is how I imagine Jimmy Buffet looks currently

Anyway, here’s some fish!:

New bridge in background

A lot of bluegills and rock bass.  All that sweating wasn’t for naught.


Time to Wine

I’ve never been a particularly big wine drinker.  Beer and wine have their place, but I just prefer the harder stuff; for its taste, flexible application, and cost per drink.  It’s all too easy to consume a bottle of $30 wine in one sitting (4, 6 fl oz glasses) when that cost could have provided 12, 2 oz cocktails.  Then again, by sticking with $30 bottles, I’m probably missing out on the true wine-enthusiast’s experience.

But price notwithstanding, I still enjoy a glass with a heavy meal.  And Liz enjoys her cheapo grandma wine.  And damned if we didn’t lack a proper wine-storage solution (not that twist cap grandma wine would really benefit, but still).  It was time for a wine rack.

…and Pellegrino

And once again, Wayfair failed to disappoint.

So now, armed with some vague knowledge of vineyards, regions, types, and years; I shall collect!  And drink!  And pompously discuss the contents of my collection after inviting guests down to my cellar!
