More Garage Organization

I often wish for a kitchen that was free of aesthetic constraints.  My garage, a fully practical room, benefits greatly from this freedom.  The walls require no color coordination with landscape paintings.  Instead, they are vertical space for which to store tools.  How efficient it would be to hang cookware in a similar manner.


Anyway, kitchen woes aside, the garage organization continues.  The Village Elder gave me an old toolbox recently, which I repurposed for a hardware junk bin.

Exploiting a child’s OCD

I outsourced the organization, which left me with some questions on the chosen categories and labeling, but it’s still better than a single junk bin.

“art stuff” is apparently pencils and Sharpies

It also weighs close to 100 pounds, so I put together a wooden cart on utility wheels.

If only the kitchen cabinets were so well-constructed.


Not Prepping

If one possesses a practical skill that’s not necessary for survival, but could be were accesses to the modernization which itself defines the individual possession of said skill unnecessary, to become inaccessible–is the possession of the skill prior to its inaccessibility considered prepper behavior?

Such a discussion walks a fine line.  My completely unnecessary gardening somehow doesn’t qualify as prepping, but storing water apparently does.

Well, as long as I’m stumbling along that delineation, I might as well ignore it entirely.

Stockpiling ammunition!

Yep, I went there.

Now I think I need lots of rice and multivitamins…


…And Soon it Was

The great hunt of 2021!

When I bought my pistol, Joe bought a shotgun.  His first shotgun was tacticool, and to this I unleashed much razzing.

But now properly armed with the correct barrel, he finally shot his first quarry.  Huzzah!

I, however, missed the next squirrel.  3 times.  It was a jumpy bastard.  First time I missed with Big Iron.  I received my own share or razzing for that.

Big Iron

Eventually though…

A 6/7 success rate is still pretty good.  A kill’s a kill.  And despite the miss and the horribly hot weather, a day hunting is still a better day than one at work.

The squirrel itself was tasty, but again the sauce was a failure.  I just don’t think it’s possible to make good squirrel gravy.  Oh well.  Not the point of the trip, I suppose.  Manliness was achieved once again!


Garbage Pile 3

I am behind on my posts, so following in such tradition, here’s a montage:

I bought a sword, for no practical reason. As a younger nerd, I couldn’t afford to, and now that I can, I know my past self would be very disappointed if I didn’t.  And yes, it’s functional carbon spring steel.
Weird tomato of the year
Finally got a milkweed to grow for the butterflies
My prize tomato, though not as big as last year.
More garden produce
And more garden produce
Can’t forget to document every rainbow
Visited a butterfly house
Back to school
Getting ready for hunting season
And more garden produce
Prepping…I mean canning
I bought myself a pistol I’ve been wanting
And more garden produce
Treasure found with the metal detector

Whew!  And that’s the abbreviated list.  A lot can happen in 4 weeks.
