What point is it in owning a fancy weapon if no one sees it?
So it has been mounted!

Skull-cleaving capability available to use against home-invaders, provided I don’t get shot first.
Tales from Easement Acres
What point is it in owning a fancy weapon if no one sees it?
So it has been mounted!
Skull-cleaving capability available to use against home-invaders, provided I don’t get shot first.
Salmon’s an acquired taste. One of my sisters never liked it as a kid, and I know a couple adults with a lasting aversion. Of course, like chicken, salmon’s flavor profile is strongly influenced by preparation. Everyone appears to like Lox. My mustard-baked attempt, however, was not well received. This honey-ginger glazed version went over better, although the kid complained about ginger. Ah well – can’t please everyone.
The foodsaver also shorted out during this project. But it was just a bad power cord and I was able to cut out the bad portion and re-splice the wires. Not a project that warrants its own post. But still worthy of mention because – manly skilzzz!
I’ve talked before about how you’re probably cooking meat wrong, because you’ve probably listened to a bullshit article that was regurgitated second-hand information that swam the backwaters of the internet cesspool until the original source was lost to digital entropy.
I get it. Spending 5 minutes instead of 5 seconds to verify information and perhaps seek out alternate opinions is hard. You just want to get back to wasting time on ADHD social media feeds. And if you’re bothering to still be reading this post at all, you’re probably angrily scrolling past my intro to get to the information.
But the real tragedy is SEO – search engine optimization. They won the algorithm battle, and search engines no longer prioritize delivering meaningful content. I usually ignore page 1 search results by default now.
Okay okay, so on to the real article.
Store-bought ground beef sucks. Here’s what you can get:
What’s the point of this post? No reason, other than this information doesn’t appear to be available anywhere else, and certainly not in once concise location. And it’s all part of my perfect burger journey. Don’t trust beef you didn’t grind yourself. Grind your own.
Suicide Month is upon us again, and as a result I begin to contemplate happier times. Nostalgia is dangerous with its filtered remembrance of history. It’s a driving force behind MAGA and the glory of 1950s America, and The Roaring 20s before that. I don’t wish to go back to those time periods, but I do have my own Halcyon Days. The cruelty of which, as Calvin’s dad puts it, are awarded retroactively:
Based simply on the time periods I daydream about, I consider My Halcyon Days, or years rather, to be: 2017-2020.
As nostalgia is purely emotional, I was interested in why I thought these days were so good. Looking back through my personal timeline, here’s my reasoning:
The conclusion? I suppose life just had finally felt fine, and the present was tolerable, and the future held with some optimism. To quote the Wikipedia article:
“The phrase has since come to refer to any peaceful time. Its proper meaning, however, is that of a lucky break, or a bright interval set in the midst of adversity”
Which I’ve now come to identify perfectly with this period in my life, as the current times are anything but peaceful and devoid of adversity. And again, as Calvin’s dad acknowledges, it had to pass for me to be able to know it had happened at all. Those were good days.