Mushrooms (Part 3)

Owing to the extensive rain as of late, I have some cool new mushrooms in my yard. So I will attempt to identify them. Here’s what I’ve come up with, after scouring internet images for visual likeness:

Agaricus silvicola
Aureoboletus mirabilis

Both are apparently edible, though I’m not a gambling man. Not until the world ends.



A golden spire
In a time most dire
And the land is wreathed in fire

And the sky rains ash
On the populated trash

And we choke on soiled air
But no one seems to care

Because the fight is here inside
And we could have stopped the tide

But now already set in motion
In the land and in the ocean

A species will retire everywhere


Hard Bondage

And ye shall the Hebrews from Goshen be freed from their hard bondage and set to the land of milk and honey.

“Let my people go! From hard bondage.”

I am obviously not a scholar of religious text. Nor is the above an actual quote, I don’t think. Nor does Exodus have anything to do with Easter…right?

But I do enjoy MGM’s 10 Commandments. And as I’ve blocked from memory anything previously learned in Bible study, that film has become my scripture go-to. It’s either that or read one of the 4 Bible’s on the bookshelf that we have for some reason. The things we inherit.

I present to you now this image, seen as a recurring billboard ad throughout the American Midwest. Noticed repeatedly whilst traveling to Wisconsin, and much mocked along the way.

Questions arise.

  • Why the wording choice?
  • Why is this such a bad sin as to warrant the ad’s frequency?
  • Why the BDSM theme?

I assume that the the intent of course is to rouse within those so shackled a desire most loathsome and overpowering that they might be inclined to call for salvation.

Be that the case, then those chains should at least be padded. Amateurs.
