
Liz bought me one of those genetics tests for Father’s Day.  I’ve been waiting for the results since, but they came in today, thus putting to rest the quandary of whether I’m Irish or Scottish.  Turns out I’m definitely not Irish, at least not according to the DNA in my saliva.

I assume Great Britain is referring the the isle, as the regional color indicates, which would naturally include the Scots, thereby explaining the Moorhead surname.

This also confirms the German in me, which is no surprise.  That’s mom’s side.

I surmised that there was some Scandinavian blood.  They had a tendency to spread their genetics all over during the Viking age.  So confirmation on that too.

The Iberian genes were somewhat unexpected, but since we’re going back thousands of years, Iberia was Celtic/Gaulic, so that makes sense.

The test also provided me an analysis of to where my people have migrated within the last several generations.  Cincinnati isn’t exactly a surprise (again, mom’s side).

Looks like I’m living with my own.  No major genetic shockers.


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