Pizzado: The Way of the Pizza

If even Netflix made a series on pizza chefs, you know that making pizza has to be more than a straightforward process. I keep trying, and get a little closer each time, but something’s always just a little…not quite. I’m my harshest critic, which means my approach is scientific. If I considered myself an artist, my criticisms would originate with others and I would hate everyone and do more drugs.

But this attempt wasn’t too bad. I liked the dough, which I can never crisp in an electric oven but I got the oil/water mix to a point where the result was flaky and just a little chewy. The sauce could have used some improvements. Oh well. I did like the sausage on it, which was my own creation.

It kind of looks like a Red Baron. I wonder if I can freeze these things.

I’ve also taking to mixing different white cheeses. It add some more flavor depth to an otherwise bland mozzarella. And I made the crust edge smaller this time.


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