Life and Death

If I’m going to be feeding the wildlife, then I think it’s only fair that I get to eat it.  But nay, the ODNR has restricted when and where I can hunt these voracious little creatures which chew through my garden like a clever simile.  And when have rabbits ever been in danger of extinction?

To be fair, I wasn’t planning on eating that kale.  Yuck.  But it was big and green and happy, and they didn’t have to eat the entire plant.  Rabbits just don’t respect sustainable resources.

Down to the nubs
Down to the nubs

In other news, the thyme plant I grew from seed years ago, having lived in a pot and being the only source of fresh thyme to an apartment-dweller, bloomed.  I had never seem thyme bloom before.  It would seem that the plant had gotten old enough that it finally had the energy reserves needed to procreate.

thyme bloom
All it needed was a little thyme

I wonder if thyme can stand up to foot traffic.  The stuff seems to endure through the worst environmental conditions that Ohio can throw at it.  It sure would make a nice-smelling replacement for grass.


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