I Can’t See You

“Don’t ever put my fucking tools in the fucking truck!”

I think some neighbors are just meme-worthy.  This particular gem broke the day’s serenity with the sudden work renewal of the Plywood Palace.

Plywood Palace

The utterance, courtesy of The Redneck, indicated to all within a quarter mile radius that he really didn’t want his tools in his truck, nor did he ever wish anyone to put them there going forward.  Glad we cleared that up.

More importantly, it reminded me why I spent a weekend sweating in the glaring sun.

If only it were also soundproof

Almost sufficient to block out the view, which hopefully the new clematis will one day accomplish.

A very subtle barrier

Our present relationship with the neighbors notwithstanding, the openness of this particular section always bothered me.  Line of sight to our deck from other houses is at least partially obscured, except for this one, and I never much fancied the idea of them being able to casually look out any window and monitor our recreational activities through the summer.  The shed business was just the final push.

In all, the design was pretty simple.  The original 4×4 fence posts, upon 3 of which this is bolted, are buried 3 feet into quickcrete.  I’m hoping that’ll prove sufficient to support the additions, or I’ll be digging some more post holes soon.

Unfortunately, the city limits fences to 7′, and since this trellis is on the fence, it’s a de facto fence extension.  So I couldn’t quiiiite block out their upstairs windows.  But I didn’t see any restrictions on what I can put on top of the trellis, so there’s a creative solution forthcoming.

And no tools were put into trucks in the making of this trellis.


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