Doorway to Hell!

I didn’t post a followup to this past post:

Crumblin’ Down

So here we go…

The door got replaced, at great cost.  More than I care to recount, or admit here.  And the cost didn’t address the chipped counter from the careless contractor (because contractors are oafish, destructive, and incapable of understanding what’s level (I mentioned this in a prior post, but can’t seem to find it at the moment)), nor did it actually provide a finished door.  Nay, it was raw pine.

But Liz and her father finished it, and it looks nice.  And I wasn’t involved in that process, so I have no epic tales to recount.  Anyway, here it is:

I was much better at this blogging thing when I had more time on my hands to be clever.  Alas, just look at my fucking door.


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