Sweet, Savory, and Bitter

There’s a balance to cuisine.  I say that simply, not in the way Zen philosophers obsess eternally to achieve celebrity validation when Halle Berry, the guest judge on Iron Chef, says: “I like this.”…do.  No, it’s far simpler.  Foods have 3 properties: sweet, savory (salty/acidic), and bitter.  And it’s this last category that I had failed to consider.

I need to use these up before the new harvest

I’ve been on  a quest to make tomato sauce, but they always come up short, probably because I’m neither Italian nor have access to the list of unpronounceable Monsanto-patented ingredients (nor wish to).

My initial troubles involved flavor-enhancement.  An acid-base is common in sauces for the kick, but tomatoes, already being acidic, couldn’t handle the addition well, as the resultant sauce had an extreme sour bite.  I tried wine, vinegar, lemons, and most recently-powdered citric acid.  Then, to balance the sour, I added sugar for sweetness, but this only created a sweet/sour tomato sauce.

Fortunately, the Internet came to my rescue, and I discovered that cocoa powder would balance things out.  I was skeptical, since my sauce already had sugar, so it seemed that I would be adding a chocolate taste.  But I was wrong.

Bitterness–the oft-overlooked basic human taste, essential in this case.  And my sauce was good enough that Liz took more in for lunch the next day.  Now that’s a true culinary win!

–Chef Simon

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