Chocolate Habanero

Back in December when I threw random seeds into peat pots to see what would grow, a pepper plant did especially well.  It was a random choice, of the seed vault.  It was a Chocolate Habanero.  You can see it in my March post.  I had no idea what this pepper was, but my sister assured me that they were good.  And it wasn’t as if I had a lack of space.

The plant grew slowly but steadily, until I re-potted it and set it out on the deck.  Then, a late frost killed the growing bud, and it became bushier.  But despite this, the tenacious plant soon outgrew its pot, got re-potted, then relocated out to a barren patch by the kid’s garden.

Looking a little wilty–I think it needs a re-potting again

Then the plant exploded into bloom.  Currently, I have about 80 peppers drying in the kitchen.  So the question now is: What do I do with these?  A quick search revealed their Scoville rating to be about 350,000–well beyond most practical culinary uses.  So naturally, I experimented.

1 garlic clove, 1 tomato, 3 chocolate habaneros, olive oil, vinegar, and salt…and bam!  I call it “Habanero Death Sauce”.  Straight, it’s almost unbearable.  But mixed in small quantities with other mediums, it adds a nice bite.  I’m not sure what to do with the remaining peppers, though.  I’m thinking ninja powder to escape work meetings.


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