The Tenants of Cinematic Selection (rev. 122024-1)

The Tenants have once again expanded. This time, the Holiday Provision has been added, which defines a separate selection process during holiday periods.


The Tenants of Cinematic Selection (rev. 122024-1)


  • αPWN consists of 4 parties and are all present.
  • A singular movie candidate, when part of a series, consists of its full installment regardless of how many independent files or discs it constitutes.
  • A movie may not necessarily be completed in one session.


  1. If the prior session’s movie was not completed, then it must be completed before the next movie may be selected. Finish this move if applicable, then – time permitting – proceed to step 2.
  2. Roll a D4 to determine The Shuffler.
  3. Roll a D3 to determine The Selector from the remaining members of αPWN (The Selector cannot also be The Shuffler). If a D3 is not available, a D4 may be used with #4 reserved for a re-roll.
  4. The Shuffler deposits the movie option tokens from The Jar of Eligibility into a bowl and randomizes them.
  5. The Selector chooses a movie option token, with eyes closed, at random from the bowl. This choice becomes Candidate-1.
  6. αPWN may decide to veto Candidate-1 with a ¾ majority. Any token marked with a “V” cannot be vetoed. Any token marked with a “P” must undergo approval as outlined below (see Termination Provision for Minors). If Candidate-1 is part of a series, this marking only applies to its designated numbering in the sequence (the number to which it is adjacent).
    1. If veto fails then the Candidate-1 becomes The Chosen One.
    2. If veto passes then The Selector chooses a second movie option token. This choice becomes Candidate-2. Candidate-2 may not be vetoed.
      1. αPWN votes between Candidate-1 and Candidate-2. The majority vote becomes The Chosen One. Everyone must vote. The loser’s token is marked with a “V” and returned to The Jar of Eligibility. If the loser is part of a series, the “V” must be preceded with its corresponding number in the series’ sequence (e.g. “2 V”).
        1. If the vote is a tie, then a D4 is rolled to determine The Flipper. All are eligible to become The Flipper.
        2. The Flipper tosses a coin to choose between Candidate-1 and Candidate-2. The winner becomes The Chosen One. The loser’s token is marked with a “V” and returned to The Jar of Eligibility. If the loser is part of a series, the “V” must be preceded with its corresponding number in the series’ sequence (e.g. “2 V”).
  7. The Chosen One is watched and its token discarded into eternal damnation.
    1. If the Chosen One is part of a series (when its name implies such) and the last of the series has not yet been watched, then its token is marked with its numerical position in the sequence and returned to The Jar of Eligibility and the next in the series not yet watched is watched.
  8. All remaining movie option tokens not banished into eternal damnation are returned to The Jar of Eligibility by The Shuffler.

Termination Provision for Minors:

  • At any point in a movie’s viewing it may be stopped if two adult members of αPWN determine that it is not appropriate to continue in the presence of a minor. Similarly, the selection may undergo this review upon selection prior to starting the movie. The token is marked with a “P” (if not already so marked) and returned to The Jar of Eligibility. Time permitting, αPWN may then decide with full consensus to repeat the selection process.

Candidate Additions:

  • Any member of αPWN may add a new movie option token to The Jar of Eligibility.
  • Additions to The Jar of Eligibility must be done so in good faith (a movie that the majority of αPWN would want to watch).
  • Additions to The Jar of Eligibility may only be done so with all members of αPWN present.

Holiday Provision:

  • The standard selection procedure may be overridden with unanimous αPWN consent during times of holidays. This period is defined as the 7 day span prior to the holiday, the holiday itself, and the 7 day span following. The Christmas period, however, is defined as the day following Thanksgiving until and including Christmas day itself. Any movie relevant to the holiday may be chosen. αPWN must unanimously agree that:
  1. The holiday is an eligible holiday under which this provision can be invoked (Christmas is automatically eligible), and
  2. The movie in question is themed to the holiday, and
  3. All αPWN members want to watch the movie.
  • The Holiday Provision is not exempt from the Termination Provision for Minors (see above).

Tenant Modifications:

  • Any changes to these tenants may only be done so with unanimous αPWN consent.


The Tenants of Cinematic Selection (rev. 092024-1)

Another revision was required, following a partial viewing of Joker. Asocial violence, mental illness, and disturbing criminal activities were only some of the reasons behind the movie interruption. We needed a provision to invoke parental discretion, so the Termination Provision for Minors section has been added, along with a system to identify such selections and return them to The Jar of Eligibility with a veto system that takes place independently of the standard group veto process.


The Tenants of Cinematic Selection (rev. 052024-2)

αPWN, our satirically-named gaming group, gathers every Monday for a movie night. And just as no one can ever think of a gift they want for themselves on the spot, no one could ever think of a movie when the night arrived. And agreements were equally difficult. And it’s Monday so we don’t have the time to discuss this!

So I fell back on my workplace skills: if we’re not advancing a project and no one will agree, then we’ll have a meeting and discuss the approach ad nauseum until everyone agrees, or collapses from exhaustion.

The result: The Tenants of Cinematic Selection. Properly versioned, of course. And I will document it here in the holy archives of Ephemerality…for all time. Yeah, that makes sense.

Anyway, here we are as of 5/27:

Modifications to occur as loopholes appear.

I should write government policy on the side.
