Escape (Part 2)

I’ve accumulated some more photos, thanks to Bethesda’s ongoing pandering to my sense of humor.  In the wake of Fallout 4, I’ve picked up Skyrim again.  After all, I had grown weary of shooting rabid wildlife and disagreeable people, so I transitioned back to stabbing and chopping rabid wildlife and disagreeable people.  Variety. Here are …

Come on…

This last week, we visited the family cottage.  Specifically, it’s my wife’s mother’s father’s, who bequeathed it unto two of his daughters upon moving into assisted living.  It’s up near Wausau, WI, which means it’s a looong way to drive. But 10 hours in a car left me plenty of time to pontificate on how …

I’ve Got a Date With…

Yes, Destiny.  I write the word with mixed emotions: elation and depression, excitement and irritation, hope and self-delusion. Why the dichotomy?  It might be easier to explain in list form, and the Internet loves lists, so here’s what I liked about the game: Rarely-explored genre (mythic science fiction) Shooter/RPG hybrid Cooperative story Seamless party system …

Weekend Warrior

I think I shortened my lifespan this weekend.  There were certainly moments when I wanted to lay down and expire.  But rather than make individual posts and cloud the feed, I’ll make a multi-purpose single post instead to feed the cloud (heh, nerd jokes): You Say Tomato Yes, I removed more sod.  And I think …