Slash and Burn

One should always strive to maintain a tentative peace with the neighbors, but as I’ve complained about before, I really dislike how a certain hippie neighbor (The Landscaper) pays no regard to his feral children running through my yard.  Still, it’s a minor concern, so I let it go. The Landscaper is a landscaper, so …


During the last trip to Wisconsin, I commented on the large amount of baby American toads, apparently having recently hatched.  Due to the inevitable consequences of the food chain, there were far fewer this time, but the ones we did find were older and bigger.  The kid was equally amused with hunting them this time …


My daughter, like any reasonably well-balanced child, holds a general concern for other living creatures.  She does not capture and flay squirrels a la Peter Wiggin, which is good, but she also takes issue with her dad threatening to shoot them.  The same goes for bunnies. The she started her own garden.  After the bunnies …