Carrots Again

Liz tried a second crop of carrots.  Better this time, though the harvest was still small.  I don’t think they’re the most energy-efficient vegetable to grow, but neither are tomatoes I suppose.  Plus, they’re needed for those delicious –Simon

Garbage Pile

I have a backlog of stuff that I’ve failed to post due to life’s distractions.  So here’s a summary of what I’ve been up to: 1. Quarantine Breakfast I’ve begun a Sunday ritual where I make a more time-consuming brunch.  This family is not one to rise early of our own accord, so weekday breakfasts …


A middle-management banking title, AVP (Assistant Vice President) can mean whatever the company wants it to.  In my case, it appears to mean more to my employer than it does to other banks, as it’s defined with a higher pay band than the junior-level exempt positions, whilst other banks tend to use it solely to …