We have a revision. This one adds conditions for veto rules on a movie series, as well as more clearly defines what constitutes a series installment.

Tales from Easement Acres
We have a revision. This one adds conditions for veto rules on a movie series, as well as more clearly defines what constitutes a series installment.
αPWN, our satirically-named gaming group, gathers every Monday for a movie night. And just as no one can ever think of a gift they want for themselves on the spot, no one could ever think of a movie when the night arrived. And agreements were equally difficult. And it’s Monday so we don’t have the time to discuss this!
So I fell back on my workplace skills: if we’re not advancing a project and no one will agree, then we’ll have a meeting and discuss the approach ad nauseum until everyone agrees, or collapses from exhaustion.
The result: The Tenants of Cinematic Selection. Properly versioned, of course. And I will document it here in the holy archives of Ephemerality…for all time. Yeah, that makes sense.
Anyway, here we are as of 5/27:
Modifications to occur as loopholes appear.
I should write government policy on the side.
I’m a little late this year, but I forgot I had this annual post. This is what I was up to in January last year, post-holiday.
And that’s it, since I already posted my holiday photos.
Now we’re back in suicide month, so I’ll have some legit projects to write about next. Standby.
Some pics from the holidays:
I have accepted a new position at work:
AVP, Authentication Solutions
As with most long-term jobs, the Product Owner stint has long since lost its romance.
That is not to say it was a bad job. But there’s only so much one can learn, and I was feeling the growing loss of interest. It was time.
I’m still with the same company, but I’m moving out of Marketing. I’ll be under Credit, working cross-functionally to integrate authentication software. It ties into Fraud-a new business segment for me. Sounds like a good CV addition.
And the large pay increase certainly sweetens the deal.