As we left the campsite to go home we stopped at the checkout building to check out. Mom told us to get out of the car, run accross the parking lot and back, so we did that with Kyrie in front (my older sister) of us with me second and Leigh behind (my younger sister). Kyrie and I were about 1/4 back to the other side when Leigh slipped on the lose gravel and fell on her knee and cut it bad. Dad got out the First Aid kit while Kyrie and and I sat beside her and comforted her. Mom taped some wipes on her knee and we went back in the car.
After a long time, we passed a field of grain gently blowing in the breese. There I saw a cotten field and I wached wires go up and down from the poles that supported them.
Soon, we headed down into a canyon and Leigh looked at this and got mad and wrote “Simon is stoopid.” Now she wrote “he is a persen that lise to say shutup.” She is a weird persen.
We just passed throu Cone city and we are going to Ralls soon. Now that we entered Ralls and we stopped at Dairy Queen so Dad and Kyrie could go to the bath room.

After a little while, Kyrie came out with a sprite, we split it and it was gone in about 30 sec. Leigh then wrote with a different color marker.
As I looked out the window, I saw fields of cotten all over the place! Leigh was making stupid noises inside the car.
I was getting tired so I asked leigh to be quiet so I could get some rest. She said she would so I got comfterbal.
I could not get any sleep. Leigh and Kyrie were fighting again. I looked up and we were in Lubbock So I didn’t mind because we were almoast home.
When we were home, I ran out back to see ‘Fuzzy’ my rabbit and Honey Bunny, Leigh’s rabbit. They were fine. Our neighbors took good care of them. I held Hony Bunny an then I put her back in her hutch. Fuzzy was much to big to hold. She was 4 1/2 years old while Honey Bunny was only 9 weeks 4 days exactly!
The Kyrie came in the back yard a hollard at me to help them unload the stuff. So I went to help them unload stuff.
When we finished that I went in the backyard again. I felt the wind. Leigh burst in and tryed to open the two back doors they were hooked! So we waited and Mom opened the door. I went in and made a paper airplain, tied it to a string on a crossbar that holds our swings on the fort. It was a wind detector.
Soon, Mom told me to come in and take a shower, I did.
When I finished, I came in my room and got dressed I new, clean cloths. I read the comics in the newspaper.
When I finished, Dad told me to dry the dishes, I did as I was told and dryed them.
Then Leigh showed me what she wrote on her blank piece of paper. It was stupid!
Then she came in my room and I sent her out! Good!