
I never was a foodie.  I always viewed an obsession with food as unhealthy.  Then I had two revelations: I don’t live in a foodie culture.  I live in an over-indulgence culture.  That I can’t order a lunch anywhere and be without leftovers is indicative of this.  When our agricultural system was streamlined and ownership …


Hey look y’all!  Another lightbulb post! You bet!  I have much jesting, at the expense of Baby Boomers and my wife. *** Okay, so this is just one of those filler posts I come up with in winter. But even in the mediocrity of suburban creativity can one ruminate. One can also be that shameless …

Pumpkins (Part 3)

As more pumpkins ripened, the kid asked to help with the harvesting.  Naturally I was happy that she wanted to help, and smiled as she donned her gardening gloves.  The vines have a lot of prickers on them, and freeing the fruit requires the use of shears.  It was then that I lamented on what …